Le Hardy.
- A fascinating account of Royal Coronations, Pagentry and Banquet.
THE HISTORY AND MEANING OF THE CEREMONIES AT THE CROWNING OF THE KING AND QUEEN. by William Le Hardy M.C., B.A., F.S.A. HARDY & RECKITT 3 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn. London W.C.2. 1937.
SOLE EDITION. 250 x 190 mm. Inside cover & opposite fep - Illustrations of ceremonial Swords, Sceptres and Rods. Verso of fep Contents and Illustrations. [1] 2 page each with Photograph of George V1 and Queen Elizabeth in Coronation Robes. [1] Title page. Verso. 7- 10 Introduction. 11 -23 The Officers. 24 - 30 The Processions. 31 - 38 The Regalia. 39 - 51 The Service 52 - 61 The Banquet. Opposite page fep & Inside cover - Illustrations of ceremonial Swords, Sceptres and Rods. There are 11 large Illustrations in total. The others are: George 1V's Proclamation. 1820. The procession of Charles 11 from the Tower. 1661. The procession of Edward V1. 1547. The procession of George 1V to Westminster Abbey. 1821. The Regalia. The Procession of James 11 to Westminster Abbey. 1686. The Crowning of James 11. 1685. Queen Victoria Receiving Holy Communion. The Banquet. The entry of the King's Champion. Full binding of cream coloured cloth with black writing. The duct-wrapper cream coloured thick paper. The front cover with small half stain at the bottom and very slight age browned. ITEM # 2. Enclosed is a folded four page strong paper programme issued by the Reform Club, Pall Mall for the Royal Procession commemoration of the sixtieth year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. 22nd June 1897.
This book is fascinating even if your interest is not culinary. Going as far back as 1547 with the Procession of Edward the 1V, this book provides a large insight into the incredible protocols that have become embedded over the centuries into Royal Pageantry. The attached pamphlet for Queen Victoria's Royal Procession detailing the huge numbers of VIPs, officers of state, institutions, army personnel, Palace Carriages, Landaus, staff, & bands is staggering. Leaving Victoria Embankment at 8.45 am via the Mall & Constitution Hill, the organisation needed to keep the procession up to the absolute standard required, and befitting the Queen's status, demanded that everyone involved responded equally. This was not difficult. Centuries of privilege and position within the Royal circles and because of the strong blue thread running through the fabric of the highest levels of the English aristocracy. The great families and estates, the Knights, Earls and Dukes and the absolute fealty to the Monarchy, handed down from one generation to another, keeping the Royal Crown intact and also those who served it steadfastly. The gastronomic interest is the absorbing chapter 5 in the book. It starts at the end of chapter 4, where we learn that the last great Royal Coronation Banquet at Westminster Hall was the Coronation of William 1V on 26th June 1830. Thereafter the Royal Banquets took place at Buckingham Palace. The coronation banquet highlighted in the book is that held for James 11 1685. (see pic. 5 below and item # 11024 on this site for the original commemoration book, published by Francis Sandford; 1687). We are informed of the astounding amount of dishes consumed, composing of all edible game birds, fowl, meats, fish and shellfish. One small snippet amazes; for 334 guests at the banquet for George 1V, 7000 lb Beef, 20,000 lb of Mutton and 1610 Chickens. that does not include the fish, shellfish and vegetables. To wash it down 920 dozen bottles of wine plus 100 barrels of beer. No wonder a huge fast before such a banquet was 'de rigueur'. This wonderful book will surprise and amaze.
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