ANON.       - A thoughtful publication.
6th Edition of August 1945 reprinted. 129 x 142 mm. 1fep with editions on verso. Title Page. Verso (iii) Contents. iv - v. Forward. 1 -7 Introduction. 8 Diagrams. 9 - 63 One page Facts/explanations facing one page Coloured Illustration of each mushroom. [1] Purchasing instruction directly form H.M. Stationary Office. 1fep with some other Govt. publications. Hard cardboard cream cover with 1/4 brown cloth binding. Very good condition.
- A very well put together important book. The first edition was printed 1910, the last is this one. It may be assumed that those were the lean years encompassing two world wars. A time when mushroom hunting and picking would have inspired hungry amateurs not fully aware of the dangers. This is why His Majesties Govt. printed it. Compared to other books about mushrooms this one is very simple in its explanation with very clear painted, full-page illustrations. This is definitely a book to carry when rambling in woods or meadows. Also with advice for cooking, eating or drying. A good book.

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Modern category
ref number: 11277

Blumenthal   Heston     - A signed copy.
The Big Fat Duck Cookbook
Heston Blumenthal BLOOMSBURY
FIRST EDITION. 2008. Large thick folio. 340x295mm. Paste-down and end-paper marbled. [1] 1p with Egg device and with his quite unique signature and 2 signed copies of 'Table d' Hote' menus -- See jpegs # 5 below. Frontis & Title page all one image. 4p Artwork. 8-11 Forward by Harold McGee. 2p Artwork. 2p History. [1] 17-516. 517-526 Index. 527-528 Acknowledgements. 529 Credits. [3] Rear end-paper, both sides and paste-down marbled. Fully bound in dark grey cloth with silver gilt devices on both covers and writing on the spine. All paper edges deep silver gilt. Slip case covered exactly the same as the book. With four brightly coloured page saving ribbons. Many full page colour photographs, artwork and illustrations throughout. Also comes with the original brown cardboard shipping box, which is covered in Fat Duck logo artwork. All in mint condition, as new.
- Heston Blumenthal of The Fat Duck Restaurant in Bray, Berkshire has been described as a culinary alchemist for his innovative style of cuisine. Besides being a highly accomplished chef a large part of his work entails researching the structures and molecular compounds of foods and dishes so to enable a greater understanding of taste and flavour. This original and scientific approach has teamed him with fellow chefs, scientists and psychologists throughout the world. His restaurant, The Fat Duck, opened in 1995 and was awarded its third Michelin star in January 2004. Other significant awards, among many, are; Gault Millau, 19/20 rating, January 2005; Chef of the Year Catering & Hotelkeeper Magazine, Catey Awards 2004; Good Food Guide accreditation 10/10, and best Restaurant in the UK, 2008; Second Best Restaurant In The World awarded by the Restaurant Magazines International Academy 50 Best Restaurants in the World Awards 2008; In July 2006 Blumenthal was awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science by The University of Reading for his dedicated research and commitment to the exploration of culinary science. Jay Rayner of The Observer. writes in 2008 about the The Big Fat Duck Cookbook --- "What Blumenthal has produced is, in truth, three books in one. At the front is the autobiography, beautifully and wittily illustrated by Dave McKean, who has reinvented the man as the fictional hero of his own narrative, all domed forehead, questing chin and razor-sharp glasses. That said, this is not some grimly narcissistic sleb memoir. If there is an anecdote here, it is because of the part it played in Blumenthal's development as a chef. Next comes the complete Fat Duck recipes, with the glossiest and filthiest of gastro-porn photography. (Who knew the whipping of a pink spiced pickling foam could look so, well, gynaecological?) These recipes are staggeringly long, involve fiendishly expensive pieces of equipment, are extraordinarily detailed and are probably, for the home cook, completely unmanageable, but that's to miss the point. As Blumenthal himself says: 'To change any part of these recipes so that they are more easily achievable would be to compromise - something this book does not do.' Even so, they are worth reading, partly because there are sub-recipes that are within reach (try the gratin of truffled macaroni), partly to appreciate the remarkable effort required to achieve the effect, and partly because it's fun to spot unlikely ingredients. Sure, there are references to substances from the industrial food world like the emulsifier lecithin and the protein 'glue' transglutaminase (oh, the things you can do to mackerel fillets with that). But there are also walk-on parts for frozen peas, mass-produced white bread and Marmite. Blumenthal is big on the flavours of our childhood, the easiest way to open the door to our memories, and he is not afraid to investigate the emotional punch of that nostalgia through his tasting menu. Finally there is the science stuff, a set of explanations so complete and detailed they've had to drop the type size to get it all in. And that, finally, is the point of this book: nothing has been left out; it is all here. It is true that a lot of enthusiastic home cooks will receive this as a gift this Christmas, pore over the pictures, read the text and never once cook from it. But a lot of professional chefs will also buy it, study and examine the text and recipes and let that shape their own cooking. Those wrong-headed, appetite-challenged killjoys who are suspicious of what Blumenthal does will regard this as an unfortunate development. As for me, I can only see it as a very good thing indeed". --- After all Jay Rayner has written this is a thoughfully constructed, original and very unusual but beautiful book, that won for Blumenthal, the Food Book of the Year Award at The Guild of Food Writers Awards, 2009. One assumes it will be a classic in future cookery book collections, if not already.

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Modern category
ref number: 11052

Bocuse.   Paul     - Signed book and signed menu.
The New Cuisine.
Title in a red printed border. Translated by Colette Rossant and Lorraine Davis. Hart Davis, Macgibbon. GRANADA PUBLISHING London Toronto, Sydney and New York.
FIRST ENGLISH EDITION 1977. (First French edition 1976). 250x180x60mm. 4to. Paste-down and end-paper with Bocuse’s menu. [1] Half-title with an old-paper planche with Bocuse’s signature dated 1993. [2] Frontispiece of a coloured photograph of Bocuse in his restaurant dining room. Title page in orange paper. 1p Printers ISBN. 1p Dedication. [1] 1p Contents. [1] 2p Forward by Colette Rossant. 1p About the Author. [1] (1)xiv-xix Introduction by Paul Bocuse. [1] (1)xxii-xxiv Cooking Techniques. (3)4-672. All the pages in red and black text. 1p General Index. [1] (1)676-695. [1] 1p Index of French Recipe Titles. [1] (1)700-711.[2] End paste-down and end-paper with Bocuse’s menu. Red cardboard hard cover and spine with white label. As new d/w. As new inside and out.
- Paul Bocuse was born on February 11th, 1926 in Collonges-au-Mont-d’Or; his restaurant is in that same house today. The Bocuse family of millers and restaurant proprietors, have lived in this part of France since 1634. Bocuse always returns to his beloved market in nearby Lyons. Bocuse’s father, also a chef, made the grand tour, serving as an apprentice in many of the most celebrated restaurants in France, before settling in Collonges and taking over the restaurant of his grandfather. In 1941 his son, young Paul, was apprenticed to one of his father’s friends, Claude Maret in Lyons. Paul was soon caught up in the WW11 and wounded. When the war ended, he quickly won a place at the renowned 3 star establishment of 'La Mere Brazier' outside Lyons. From there he moved to another of his father’s friends, the famous Fernand Point at his 3 star restaurant 'La Pyramide' at Vienne, and then to complete his education, taking another 3 star post at the 'Restaurant Lucas Carton'. Finally, in 1959, he succeeded his father at Collonges, and in only two years he won his first star, and at the same time the accolade of Meilleur Ouvrier de France Cuisinier. A second star followed in 1962 and a third in 1965. In February of 1975 Bocuse was made a member of the Legion d’Honneur by President Valery Giscard d Estaing in recognition of his services as an ambassador of French cuisine. (This follows a historic French gastronomic occasion when August Escoffier was the first Chef recognised and promoted to an Officier de la Legion d’Honneur at the Orsay Palace on March 22nd 1928). On this occasion Bocuse also prepared the official dinner at the Elysee Palace. Bocuse was one of the leading exponents of ‘la nouvelle cuisine’, the new style of French cooking which combines traditional French culinary knowledge with the modern innovation that allows it to keep its unique position in world cooking and cuisines. The uniqueness is also helped by the recognition and awarding of the highest French honours being bestowed on these lauded craftsmen.

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Modern category
ref number: 11178

Burton.   George F.    
Chocolates & Bon-bons
THE "NEW AREA" CHOCOLATE BOOK Home Made Chocolates Bon-Bons : Desserts Fine Art Sugar Work Sugar confectionery in General including Up-to-date Con-tinental Novelties & Finest Specialities &c. &c. COPYRIGHT BY GEORGE F. BURTON Gold Medallist, Author of "Cake-Making," etc.
FIRST EDITION. Circa 1924. 4to. 2feps. [1] Frontispiece of b&w photograph of George F. Burton. Title page. [1] 1pp Contents. 1pp Preface. 5-149. [1] 5pp Index. 1pp Illustrations. 2pp Advertisements. 1fep. Dated on the Preface; Blackpool 1924. Tan cloth covers and spine with black blind stamped writing. With an embossed round medallion of a chocolate on gilt on the front cover.A small 1" tear at the top of the spine. Some very light water-stains on the back cover. Full page illustrations in monochrome and many more in wonderful vivid colours. Some in-text illustrations as well. Overall a very handsome copy of a rare book.
- This book of confectionery is a fabulous piece of self-promotion by Burton. He proclaims himself on the Title page and Preface as a -- Gold Medallist and author of world famed book "Cake Making, Icing and Breads" Whatever Burton's self-belief, this is a very nice professional Chocolatier's and Confectioner's book of the time, made all the more attractive by the twelve beautiful lithograph plates.

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Modern category
ref number: 11005

Coles.   Charles     A very handsome & interesting book.
Illustrated by Maurice Pledger. Written by Charles Coles. CRESCENT BOOKS New York.
Elephant Folio. 1988. 355 x 225 mm. 2 feps. Title page. 1p Dedication, Verso with b&w Drawing. 1p Acknowledgements, Verso with b&w Drawing. 1p Contents, Verso with b&w Drawing. 1p List of Plates. Verso with b&w Drawing. 1p Forward by HRH The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh K.G., K.T. Verso with b&w Drawing. 1p Introduction to the Artist. Verso with b&w Drawing. 1p Game Conservation. [1] (p 19) - 117. 2 feps. Text block as new with 24 full-page colour plates and numerous b&w drawings. In the publisher's brown cloth boards, gilt-stamped to spine. with yellow pictorial dust-wrapper. A sumptuous production with a royal foreword. Fine condition, as new.
- First Printed 1981 this is a very handsome book with wonderful full-page coloured plates by Maurice Pledger. Plate 1 is the Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus). Besides the beautiful coloured plate there is a full-page of very detailed information about the Pheasant. We learn on Plate 3 that the Quail (Coturnix coturnix) was so over-hunted that by international agreements, Quail served in British restaurants are the Japanese species now reared in captivity like poultry. Plate 8 - The Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), a member of the Grouse family fly must faster than the Grouse, therefore there during the annual shoot are only 15% compared to 30-50% for grouse. We learn the meat is an acquired taste due to pine-needles in its diet which gives undertones of turpentine in the flesh. The wonderful tasting Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) is a big favourite of chefs and game lovers. One of the few birds to be cooked and eaten with the trail intact (ie; without being first eviscerated). A generation or so ago a cold roast woodcock, accompanied by Claret, was a much-favoured breakfast for a country squire. Finely, on page 115 there is a fine aphorism for the hunter, from Chief Seath of the Suquamish Indian Tribe, dated 1855 - " What is man without beasts.? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to man. All thigs are connected." Wise indeed.!

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Modern category
ref number: 11268

Dali.   Salvador     With a fine surreal lithograph of a peach, signed by Dali in pencil.
les diners de Gala
translated by Captain J. Peter Moore FELICIE, INC.- PUBLISHERS - NEW YORK
1st EDITION. 1973. Thick 4to. 350 x 220 x 35 mm. Inside cover and first page with Illustration of bread and signed by an indistinctly named husband to his wife. [2] Frontis of Dali. Title Page. 8 - 316. 317 - 321 Table of Contents. [1] A dedication page for the origins of the book's recipes. 1 fep and inside end cover with a fantastic illustration of 4 nude women dining. Hardcover with bright gold, foil-like wildly illustrated dust jacket. Overall, exceptionally fine condition. Also inserted inside is a fine lithograph of an apple and leaves in colour. Being a Dali creation, it is not just an apple, but has a quickly done line drawing of a guitarist in a landscape. Numbered 181/250. With Dali's distinct signature in pencil.
- This production by the great Spanish Surrealist painter Salvador Dali, has to be defined as one of the most interesting and unusual cookery books ever published, with recipes by the Chefs of famous Paris restaurants, such as Lasserre, La Tour d’Argent, Maxim’s, and Le Train Bleu (Le Buffet de la Gare de Lyon). The chapters are as follows: 1 Les caprices pincés princiers exotic dishes: 2 Les cannibalismes de l'automne eggs - sea food: 3 Les suprêmes de malaises lilliputiens first course: 4 Les entre-plats sodomisés meals: 5 Les spoutniks astiqués d'asticots statistiques snails - frogs: 6 Les panaches panachés fish - shell fish: 7 Les chairs monarchiques game - poultry: 8 Les montres molles 1/2 sommeil pork: 9 L'atavisme désoxyribonucléique vegetables: 10 Les "je mange GALA" aphrodisiacs: 11 Les pios nonoches sweets - dessert: 12 Les délices petits matryrs hors-d'œuvre: It is also an outstanding art book that not only has very good recipes, but is a wonder to read. Dali also notes in the introduction that his book is not designed for anyone watching their waistline. Born on 11 May 1904, at 8:45 am GMT in Figueres, Catalonia, Salvador Dalí was a skilled artist and draftsman best known for the striking and bizarre images in his work. His painting skills are often attributed to the influence and fine finishing of Renaissance masters. His best-known work, The 'Persistence of Memory', was completed in August 1931, and is one of the most recognisable Surrealist paintings. Dalí's expansive artistic repertoire included film, sculpture, and photography, at times in collaboration with a range of artists in a variety of media. This book of cookery is an unusual addition to his norm. Dalí was highly imaginative, and also enjoyed indulging in unusual and grandiose behaviour. To the dismay of those who held his work in high regard, and to the irritation of his critics, his eccentric manner and attention-grabbing public actions sometimes drew more attention than his artwork. Dalí attended drawing school. In 1916, he also discovered modern painting on a summer vacation trip to Cadaqués with the family of Ramon Pichot, a local artist who made regular trips to Paris. The next year, Dalí's father organized an exhibition of his son's charcoal drawings in their family home. He had his first public exhibition at the Municipal Theatre in Figueres in 1918. In early 1921 the Pichot family introduced Dalí to Futurism and Dalí's uncle Anselm Domenech, who owned a bookshop in Barcelona, supplied him with books and magazines on Cubism and contemporary art. On 6 February 1921, Dalí's mother died of uterine cancer. Dalí was 16 years old; he later said his mother's death "was the greatest blow I had experienced in my life. I worshipped her... I could not resign myself to the loss of a being on whom I counted to make invisible the unavoidable blemishes of my soul. After her death, Dalí's father married his deceased wife's sister. Dalí did not resent this marriage, because he had great love and respect for his aunt. In 1929, Dalí collaborated with the surrealist film director Luis Buñuel on the short film 'Un Chien Andalou' (An Andalusian Dog). His main contribution was to help Buñuel write the script for the film. Dalí later claimed to have also played a significant role in the filming of the project, but this is not substantiated by contemporary accounts. Also, in August 1929, Dalí met his lifelong and primary muse and future wife Gala, born Elena Ivanovna Diakonova. She was a Russian immigrant ten years his senior, who at that time was married to surrealist poet Paul Éluard. In the same year, Dalí officially joined the Surrealist group in the Montparnasse quarter of Paris. The Surrealists hailed what Dalí called his paranoiac-critical method of accessing the subconscious for greater artistic creativity. Gala first met Dalí that year during a trip to Cadaques with her family and the artist Magritte and his wife. Despite the ten-year age gap, the love affair between Dalí and Gala quickly developed. In 1948 Dalí and Gala moved back into their house in Port Lligat, on the coast near Cadaqués. For the next three decades, he would spend most of his time there painting, taking time off and spending winters with his wife in Paris and New York. Gala died on 10 June 1982, at the age of 87. After Gala's death, Dalí lost much of his will to live. He deliberately dehydrated himself. On the morning of 23 January 1989, while his favourite record of Tristan and Isolde played, Dalí died of heart failure at the age of 84. He is buried in the crypt below the stage of his Theatre and Museum in Figueres. The location is across the street from the church of Sant Pere, where he had his baptism, first communion, and funeral, and is only 450 metres from the house where he was born. An amazing unparalleled life. This book and lithograph, a fantastic insight and glimpse of the great artist. Only around 400 copies of Les Diners de Gala are known to survive. However, Taschen has finally published and made this rare book available for the first time in 43 years as a new reprinted 2nd edition.

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Modern category
ref number: 11252

Dali.   Salvador     A signed postcard of Dali's house - Portlligat. NW.Spain
Translated from the French by Olivier Bernier. Published by Harry N. Abrams Inc. 1978, New York.
FIRST EDITION. 4to. 216 x 305 mm. Inside cover with double page portrait of Dali. 1fep. Half Title. Double page Title. Verso with printer info. p 5-7. Contents. p 8-11 Intro; La Cave. (10-16). p 16-293. p 294-296 Guide to more than 140 illustrations, including 124 in full colour. Original white silk cloth hardcover. With titles in gilt and multi-colour. Dali design to front cover. A near fine copy in very good gold embossed jacket. With a tipped in postcard of Dali's house, signed on the verso by Dali and dated 1968. An extremely unique item.
- The 'Wines of Gala' is an extravagant production, eccentric and personal by the great Spanish surrealist, Salvador Domenech Felipe Jacinto Dali. As a follow-up to his phenomenal best-selling cookbook 'Les dîners de Gala', it's in this delightfully eccentric guide to wine, the surrealist master shares his passion for the gift of the gods. The book explores the many myths of the grape, in texts and sensuous, subversive works by the artist, always true to his maxim: a real connoisseur does not drink wine but tastes of its secrets. Dali's take on the pleasures of the grape and in the book sets out to organize wines "according to the sensations they create in our very depths." Through eclectic metrics like production method, weight, and colour, the book presents wines of the world in such innovative, Daliesque groupings such as "Wines of Frivolity," "Wines of the Impossible," and "Wines of Light". The significant wine regions are, 'Dix Vins du Divin' [ten Divine Wines] that Dali highlights including descriptions of the wines of Ay, Shiraz, King Minos, Lacrima Christi, the Great Red Bordeaux, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Romane Conti, Sherry, Chateau Yquem, and California wines. Bursting with the imagery of the 140 fantastic illustrations by Dali, many of which are appropriated artworks, including various classical nudes, all of them reconstructed with suitably Surrealist, provocative touches, like Jean-Francois Millet's 'The Angelus', one of Dali's favourite points of reference over the decades. Dali also included what is now considered one of the greatest works from his late "Nuclear Mystic" phase, 'The Sacrament of the Last Supper' (1955), which sets the iconic biblical scene in a translucent dodecahedron-shaped space before a Catalonian coastal landscape. Dali was by this stage a devout Catholic, simultaneously captivated by science, optical illusion, and the atomic age. Rather than any prescriptive classification, the book is a flamboyant, free-flowing manifesto in favour of taste and feeling, as much as a multi-sensory treat, also a full-bodied document of Dali's late-stage oeuvre, in which the artist both reflected on formative influences and refined his own cultural legacy. Wines of Gala was published in 1977, first in French, as 'Les Vins de Gala et du Divin' by Draeger, then in English by Abrams in New York a year later. Dedicated to Dali's long-time wife and muse, Gala, an imperious Russian woman 10 years his elder. The book covers Dali's famously intense obsession with sexuality and desire for food and wine, three sensual topics he'd rarely addressed in his work. But while the earlier cookbook has grown in notoriety and acclaim since it went out of print, reliably selling for hundreds of dollars whenever a used copy turns up, 'Wines of Gala' sank beneath the surface, an afterthought at the tail end of the 20th-century Master?s career. How-ever a full reprint of the 1st edition published by Taschen in November 2017 changed all that. The book became the winner of the 2018 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, causing this second book of Dali's to be as sought after as his first one. A fine addition to a gastronomic library, made all the more collectable with the accompanying signed postcard (see image #5 below).

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Modern category
ref number: 11300

David   Elizabeth     - Signed limited edition.
Italian Food
SPECIAL EDITION. Large 4to. Light grey paste-down and endpapers. Half-title. [1] Title page. [1] Second title page. [1] 1pp Contents. On the verso, a re-print of Kitchen scenes from Bartolomeo Scappi's Opera. 7-16 Introduction. p16 Acknowledgments. On verso; A painting of a Kitchen. 19-224. 225-239 [1] Index. Light grey paste-down and endpapers. Light grey cloth binding with silver writing on the spine. D/J as new. Internally very clean. As new.
- A very handsome book commissioned by CPC UK Ltd. for Xmas 1988. With many coloured illustrations and wonderful reprints of paintings of numerous kitchen scenes. This glossy production definitely has the E.D. stamp. It has many interesting recipes and fulsome information on all things gastronomically Italian and Italian products. A signed copy of a limited edition of 400 only, published four years before her death. Probably one of the least known and very scarce Elizabeth David's publishing collaborations.

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Modern category
ref number: 11179

David.   Elizabeth     - Inscribed by E.D. and with a Xmas card from her publisher.
A Book of Mediterranean Food.
A Book of Mediterranean FOOD By Elizabeth David. Decorated by John Minton. John Lehman Ltd. London.
FIRST EDITION.1950. With nice clean John Minton designed d/j with small chip at top and bottom of spine. With inscription on fep in E.D's own distinctive handwriting -- "With the very best wishes for E.P. Warner June 1950". Half Title. Frontispiece and Title page. Introduction pp.v-viii. Acknowledgments pp.ix-x. 2pp Contents. 2pp. Soup.[15-181] (1) Index. pp.183-191. 1fep. With John Minton illustrations through out. Also enclosed is a Xmas Card designed by John Minton. The message reads "A Happy Christmas from John Lehman" It has been signed in blue ink by Lehman "To Elizabeth 1951"
- John Lehman was the entrepreneurial publisher of the adventurous and prestigious Penguin New Writing. He was unsure of E.D's original messy manuscript declaring it the untidiest he had ever received. In spite of his original misgivings he eventually became thrilled with the work and paid her an advance of £100.oo: £50.oo on signature of the contract and £50.oo on publication. No one at that time could possibly envisage the massive influence she would exert on a generation of food enthusiasts, cooks and chefs and the admiration and love in which she and her precise, captivating and eloquent writing would be regarded. This is a fine and very unique copy of E.D's first book. As she was not so well known at this time, copies of the first edition of 'Mediterranean Food' with inscriptions are very rare.

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Modern category
ref number: 10995

David.   Elizabeth     - With a rare E.D. booklet on wine.
French Country Cooking.
French Country Cooking by Elizabeth David decorated by John Minton. HORIZON PRESS. New York.
FIRST EDITION. 1951. With clean slightly browned d/j. Frontispiece, title page, d/j and illustrations by John Minton. 1fep. 2p A Word from the Publisher to the Reader. 2p Acknowledgments. vii-x -Introduction. 2p Contents. 1p Batterie de Cuisine. [15-237](1) Index. 239-247. 1fep. Also enclosed is a booklet written by E.D. "The Use of Wine in Fine Cooking" (This booklet is designed by Saccone & Speed Ltd) The booklet is mentioned in the Acknowledgments and printed in full in the book. A very clean and unique copy, especially with the very rare E.D. booklet.
- As well as the famous John Minton designed dust jackets that David used on some of her early books, each chapter in this book is preceded by a full page Minton illustration, and also highlighted elsewhere by some smaller ones. Peter Ross, librarian at London Guildhall, who compiled an extensive list of annotations from 900 of her books obtained after her death, said: 'She was an extremely private person who gave very few interviews so we didn't get to find out a lot of what she thought when she was alive. She could be highly critical, and had a habit of writing her often biting remarks on post-its or even on the backs of the book receipts. Parts of her own publications also came in for criticism. She wrote in October 1983: 'I never did care very much for the John Minton illustrations for my books.'They are so cluttered and messy. They embarrass me now as much as they did in 1950.' E.D. published two booklets on "The Use of Wine in Fine Cooking". Although similar in appearance, they are both quite different, and are among the rarest of all her publications.

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Modern category
ref number: 10996